
This purpose of this blog is to organize and share the applications for the ITF/Ch'ang-Hon taekwondo forms that I have discovered. It is also to inspire others to search for applications within the forms. I started this blog because I liked the applications that Iain Abernethy was doing for Karate forms and Dan Djurdjevic was doing for Chen Pan Ling forms, and I thought I could do something similar for the forms I knew.


  1. Cool to stumble onto your blog, and quite a surprise to find some references to my own work. Keep up the good work. I look forward to reading more of your interpretations.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Glad you're enjoying the blog.

  2. Great blog, I use a lot of your ideas in my Dojang.

  3. i wanted to put a quote or two from you in an article on forms that i am doing but i want to know how you wish to be referred to--by blog name or yours richard conceicao

    1. Hi Richard. You can refer to the blog name. Thanks!

  4. Thank you for a really nice blog! I love to see that more and more people see the connections you are pointing at when it comes to analysis of patterns😊 Thank you for your work and dedication. Please PM me to share ideas!

    1. Thanks for the kind words Roy. Hope you're keeping up with your own research.

  5. It may be a silly question but why do practitioners have to guess what the movements in a pattern mean? For example, movement "X" could be a set up for a throw, or it could be a choke defence, or a wrist grab defence, or leg sweep or...Why is there no definitive guide from the governing bodies that are supposed to keep it members informed that unambiguously explains what each actually represents.
